Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Cause and Effect Essay Example - Two Easy Topics You Can Use in Your Writing

Cause and Effect Essay Example - Two Easy Topics You Can Use in Your WritingThe objective of this essay example is to provide several easy to use topics that you can use in your own writing. The first two ideas are both causes and effects. They are both created in the mind and they have an effect on our lives. These two are examples of what I will call two examples of how we experience time and the world around us.There are many other example topics that I could give you, but I will stick with these two for now. Now that you have the two that you should know about, we need to talk about how these can be used in your own writing. Most writers don't like to use these in their essays. They feel that they are too complicated or do not fit well with their style. But I want to show you that using this in your writing can make your essay better.Example of a Cause: 'The reason for the earthquake was because the power supply blew out.' This is an example of a cause. It is a direct result of s omething that occurred. I would also encourage you to write down some ways that you can avoid this type of situation if possible.Example of an Effect: 'The cause of the hurricane was because of an algae bloom.' Again, this is an example of an effect. Something changed after something else happened.It is important to note that the two of these examples are very simple, but there are many times discussion groups ask the same questions about them. The question is, 'what is a cause and what is an effect?' This gives you the information that you need to create a powerful argument with the reader and turn your essay example into a powerful essay.Example of Cause and Effect: When you look at the rainforest, you will see that there are plants and animals that die, and then these plants and animals grow. The plants and animals will become food for the hungry carnivores. It is an example of cause and effect. There is an imbalance and it is going to change in the future. It is interesting to c onsider the different choices you have when you look at these issues.Example of a Cause and Effect in Action: 'Because I was tired of having a drink before bed, I went out and bought myself a cheap bottle of beer and started to enjoy it. When I got home and opened the bottle, I noticed that there were ice cubes in the bottle. I poured the beer into my glass and tried it.When I poured it in, I could not believe what I saw. I could not believe that a single ice cube would make a difference to the taste of the beer.' This is an example of cause and effect that we all deal with.

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