Saturday, December 21, 2019

Restrictions Placed On Liberty By Charlotte Gilman

Restrictions placed on Liberty â€Å"The Yellow Wall-Paper† by Charlotte Gilman is a story about a woman who suffers â€Å"temporary nervous depression† and her husband John, a physician, refuses to believe she is sick. Instead of giving her the freedom she needs, he stationed her in a room to rest until she is better. The husband uses his credentials to manipulate his wife, placing her in a submissive role. This represents a traditional setting where the wife is subjected to oppression. The wife is the main focus in this story and as the story continues she begins to realize that her sickness results from her controlling husband. She learns that John is crippling her health and understands his reasoning behind why he chose the â€Å"nursery† to place her in. The wife is a dynamic character who gains insight as the story progresses. In the beginning of the wife’s diagnosis, her husband forbids her from working until she is well again. The wife writes in h er journal, â€Å"Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change would do me good† (489). This begins a trend of the wife’s disagreement with him. Instead of listening to John’s â€Å"professional† advice, she challenges his statement within the safety of her journal. The journal is a way to express herself freely, although John believes it does her more harm than good. The wife continues to write proclaiming â€Å"John would think it absurd. But I must say (write) what I feel and think in some way- it is such a relief† (494)!Show MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesDelCampo, University of New Mexico Kristen Detienne, Brigham Young University Doug Dierking, University of Texas at Austin Cynthia Doil, Southern Illinois University Jennifer Dose, Messiah College Ceasar Douglas, Florida State University David Duby, Lib erty University Ken Dunegan, Cleveland State University Michael Dutch, Greensboro College Kathleen Edwards, University of Texas at Austin Berrin Erdogan, Portland State University Ellen Fagenson Eland, George Mason University Lenny Favara, Central Christian

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